
Showing posts from August, 2021

End of Course Reflection | EDU 792

While taking EDU 792, I learned so much new information about video production. This is not something I was expected, but it is incredibly appreciated. I'm excited to take away this knowledge from the classes I will teach and while working with my students. Image Source: GIFER One thing I will take away from this course is the importance of allowing students to create projects in non-traditional ways -- in this case, videos. There is a variety of videos that students can create when producing the information they have learned. From stop-motion animation, green screen videos, and creating a video on PowToon , they can take the knowledge they have learned from the class to a creative medium. Creating these videos not only encourages students to recap the course material, but students are also able to learn new skills related to technology. These videos should not be limited to art classes that are tailored to video production but should make their way into mainstream classes to allow...